CIS Software Features

We continuously to add new features based on customer requests and feedback.
If you don't see what you need here, then get in touch

Subcontractor Verification

Automatic verification of subcontractors to ensure you are withholding at the correct rate

Invoice Management

Manage subcontractor invoices, track labour and material costs and payment status.


Manage payments to subcontractors, export payment files for use with your bank BACS system.

Monthly Returns

Automatically create and submit monthly returns to HMRC detailing all payments and deducsions.

Payment & Deduction Statements

Monthly Payment and Deduction Statments automatically emailed to your subcontractors.

Multi User

Share the load by inviting your colleagues to access the platform.

Join us in creating the future of construction software

This software is currently in beta and we are actively taking feedback to evolve it.

Get involved and shape the product

Having previously led successful technological innovations in cloud software, with a specific focus on HMRC compliance, the team behind CIS300 are now doing the same with the construction industry.

We actively encourage feedback to help us improve the software and add new features.

Get in Touch